How Can Women Build Muscle Definition?

Most of the muscle building articles you are likely to come across will be aimed towards men – it is a traditionally masculine topic. However, women often want to build a more defined and toned physique as well, without losing their feminine curves. It’s often thought that women should follow a different set of rules in order to build muscles, but while the workout may not necessarily differ, the results will vary between men and women due to their genetic make-up.

It is the general view that men have more muscle mass than women, as well as less fat. The best way for women to build muscle is to reduce the number of carbohydrates in their diet and increase protein which will feed the muscle tissue with everything it needs to become stronger. Also, women should watch their calorie intake as well, so as to achieve more effective results. Women have the capacity to burn fat quicker than men, so a low carbohydrate diet is perfect.

Obviously, men have a higher level of testosterone which helps to form muscle mass, something which women will struggle to do as easily as the female body only produces a small quantity of this hormone. There are supplements you can take to increase the number of hormones but these are best avoided, as they can have androgenic effects on the female body such as deepening the voice and increased body hair growth.

The standard workout for women generally involves weight lifting and cardio exercises, which strengthens the body and helps to build a more toned physique overall. Many women fear getting bulging biceps from weight lifting but this isn’t the case – this would only occur with high levels of testosterone, as previously mentioned. By varying your exercises, such as mixing up pull-ups, bench presses, curls and deadlifts, women can tone up and build solid yet feminine curves.

A dedicated workout and balanced diet is important for women, as with men, in order to see results. The best way to achieve your goals is to maintain your exercise regime, educate yourself on which exercises work best and perhaps seek the advice of a trainer or fitness coach who can advise you of the best ways to work effectively.
