Push-ups are a great form of exercise for building a stronger upper body but there are actually far more variations than the standard form that we are used to, which can provide you with extra fitness benefits. Start with your arms slightly wider than your shoulders and keep your back flat, before slowly lowering your body to around an inch off of the floor. Press up from here slowly and then repeat – you should do eight to twelve repetitions of this, before resting and doing a further three sets.
The inchworm is another great upper body exercise, which is a very challenging workout to benefit various areas of your body. Start with your feet together and your arms at your side, then bend as if you were about to touch your toes. Slowly walk your hands out until you are in a push-up positions then perform the push-up slowly, as described previously. After this, slowly walk your hands back towards your feet and straighten your back until you are in your initial position. Repeat this eight to twelve times, doing a further two to three sets.
The snow angel is great for working out your shoulders, chest and hips, and is as simple as it sounds. Using the same actions as you did when you made snow angels as a child, lie on your back on the floor with your hands by your sides. Open your legs, at the same time as swinging your arms above your head, as if you are doing a star jump on the floor. Do this eight to twelve times, doing three to four sets, with short rests in between.
The Spiderman is a push-up which offers additional challenges to the regular push-up exercise, and is ideal for working out your arms, chest and abs. Starting in a push-up position, lower yourself towards the floor and rotate your right leg to the side before bringing your right knee towards your right elbow. As you raise back up, move your right knee away and back to the starting position – repeat with your left knee and do this eight to twelve times.
Finally, the closed kinetic chain parascapular exercise begins with a plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders. Move your right hand approximately one hand length away, turning your right wrist left, and vice versa on your other hand. Lower your shoulder towards yur left hand, push-up and point your right and left hands forward. Return your right hand to the starting position and repeat on the left side. A complicated yet challenging exercise, this is perfect for your chest and shoulders.