Make ‘Movember’ last: 18 men’s health tips from leading doctors

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It may say November on your calendar, but more and more people know it as “Movember” — a month dedicated to raising money for men’s health.

Testosterone hits a high around age 20 and declines 1 percent a year starting at age 40. But lifting heavy objects and weight training two to three times per week can boost testosterone levels. The effect is natural — no drugs needed.

Lots of guys are growing out their mustaches or facial hair to raise awareness for the effort, but there is so much more you can do to make “Movember” — or any month— a picture of wellness. We’ve got advice from some of the leading medical experts on how men can lead longer, healthier and happier lives.

Cut down on processed foods to trim added sugars, salt, and fat. More than 70 percent of daily salt intake comes from prepared and processed foods, not the salt shaker. Eat real food!

NBC News associate producer Stacey Naggiar contributed to this report