5 Signs You Know You Need Glasses


It’s currently estimated that millions of Americans that need corrective lenses currently don’t own any and/or don’t know they need them. After living with poor vision for a prolonged period of time, it becomes difficult for a person with poor vision to realize that they would greatly benefit from them. The fact is that if you suspect you need glasses, you probably do. These are five signs you likely need glasses.


Difficulty Seeing Up Close or at a Distance
Hyperopia, difficulty seeing up close, or myopia, difficulty seeing at a distance, are both common conditions that millions struggle with on a daily basis. If you find yourself either having to move closer or further away from objects to get a clear look at them, you will likely need glasses.


Difficulty Seeing During Nighttime
Just because your vision is pristine during ideal viewing conditions doesn’t mean you don’t necessarily have a looming problem on your hands. Take notice if you have trouble discerning the environment while in dim conditions or while driving at nighttime. This could be a sign of hindered vision.


Strain/Pain in Eyes
According to Optometrists Clinic Inc., straining to focus on objects that are too close or too far away can take a toll on your eyes over time. Eye strain and pain associated with it can also result from playing video games or using a computer or other device with a bright screen in excess. Stay alert for notable pain or aches in your eyes if you tend to squint or strain them on a regular basis.


Chronic Headaches
Headaches are also a common warning sign that glasses are needed. However, headaches can often be indicative of a wide array of health complications. If you notice chronic headaches along with one or two other signs from this list, it’s significantly likely you need corrective lenses. More importantly, take note of the whether or not the headache stops when ceasing visual strain.


Trouble Adjusting from Dim to Light Environments
Lastly, don’t overlook your difficulty of adjusting from dim to light environments if you have it. For example, spending a long period of time in adjustment from waking up to being in a light environment is a telltale sign that it’s time to visit the optometrist.


For an accurate diagnosis, start by contacting a local optometrist to schedule an eye exam. From there, your optometrist will help you determine how your vision can be improved and which products will best suit your needs.