UGA Funds Student Trip to Planned Parenthood, Sex Shop, Cross-Dressing Group

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On Saturday students at the University of Georgia (UGA) took a field trip to a Planned Parenthood facility, an adult sex shop, and a cross-dressing organization as an activity of the university-funded Sexual Health Advocacy Group (SHAG).

According to Blake Seitz, a student at UGA reporting at The College Fix, 17 students and a university administrator drove to Atlanta for the field trip sponsored by SHAG, an activist organization that uses student fees for funding of its activities.

An email invitation to the field trip from SHAG, obtained by The College Fix, stated the “morning will start off with a regional cross dressers support group meeting… followed by a three-hour reproductive justice training at Planned Parenthood and conclude with a stop at Inserection adult store.”

“A pizza lunch will be provided!” the email invitation added.

Vice president for public affairs at UGA Thomas Jackson Jr. told The College Fix in an email statement about the field trip’s “academic value.”

“As future health educators and counselors, they study and learn about a wide range of matters so as to gain accurate information and learn best practices in providing health education and counseling to the public… The visit to Planned Parenthood and an adult store was chosen by the students so that they might get an understanding of the types of issues with which they’ll be working as future health educators and counselors,” Jackson said.

At Planned Parenthood in downtown Atlanta, SHAG members reportedly participated in a three-hour class facilitated by a former SHAG member who now is employed by Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood described the training session to The College Fix as one that included “team-building activities” and a discussion about “the definition of reproductive justice.”

The sex shop Inserection that was visited by SHAG students reportedly sells a variety of adult sex toys, but by evening the shop’s downstairs section becomes a sex club.

A Yelp review of Inserection from 2012 states:

Inserection is one of the few stores you can really allow your inner freak out! They welcome you to frolic, comment loudly on the size and girth of toys and encourage you to openly browse a large selection of adult movies.

Their movies are more exciting than any Blockbuster and you definitely won’t find them in Red Box, maybe a pink box but I digress. “Diddle Her on the Roof” is a classic but nothing beats “Leaking Beauty,” a true family favorite!

The field trip also included a visit with Sigma Epsilon, an organization that describes itself as “the Atlanta, Georgia chapter of Tri-Ess International, a non-profit support and social organization for adult cross dressers.”

“Sigma Epsilon provides the adult cross dresser support and friendship, as well as a place to express their feminine side in a safe, secure environment,” the group’s website states.

SHAG’s website describes itself:

SHAG is a student-led organization that strives to open up the conversation about sexual communication, sexual health and sex positivity. We are an all inclusive, non-judgmental group that promotes comprehensive sexual health education and empowering individuals to be in control of their sexuality by providing knowledge and resources to our campus and community.

Fall SHAG events included a Community Health Day which provided “free HIV testing” as well as a “free plate of BBQ,” a “Cupcakes and Condoms” event, and “Pillow Talk: Sexy Little Things,” which was “devoted to talking about not-so-typical forms of sex and sexual acts.”

SHAG celebrated Halloween with a “Halloweiner Party,” and plans to kick off the Christmas season with a “Secret Sexy Santa” event that will feature a “sexy gift exchange from SHAG members.”

Jackson, reports The College Fix, described SHAG’s work as “objective and across the spectrum – studying material provided by the Centers for Disease Control, information provided by the World Health Organization, and materials from the American College Health Association.”