Extra Precautions You Should Be Taking During Pregnancy


Pregnant women face a number of challenges. There are at least 4,000 different kinds of known birth defects, some of which can be prevented. Women must be aware of the various risks that could endanger the lives of their unborn child. There are some precautions everyone should be taking during a pregnancy for the health of the baby and themselves.




This is a very real threat to expectant mothers. The bacteria disease frequently occurs when contaminated vegetables, deli meat and cheeses are ingested. The baby is at risk of getting a fetal infection if exposed to a bacterial disease. Mothers with listeriosis face elevated risks of stillbirths and miscarriages. Precautions like thoroughly cleaning vegetables thoroughly when preparing them and making sure that meat is fully cooked.




Certain medications can also put a pregnant woman at risk, even if she has been prescribed them. Medications enter the bloodstream and can potentially enter the placenta. Medications are the biggest threat to women during their first trimester of pregnancy. While certainly not all of them are harmful, it’s important to do proper research before taking any new medicine. Medications should be cleared with a physician prior to use.




Alcohol consumption is another risk to women. Alcohol can cause more abnormalities in unborn children than one might expect. Alcohol can be removed from the system naturally but the unborn fetus is unable to eliminate the dangerous alcohol from the system independently. The child’s nervous system can be affected by the alcohol consumption. Pregnant women are encouraged to abstain from drinking alcohol.




In pregnant women, caffeine can impair the body’s ability to absorb minerals and nutrients in their diet, which can deprive the unborn child of the proper nutrition they need. Caffeine consumed in certain quantities can lead to SIDS in children. Women are recommended to have no more than 300 mg of caffeine each day as a part of their diet. That equates to approximately one cup of coffee each day. Talk to your doctor about risks and dosage. A soda every now and then won’t be causing damage, but five cups of coffee a day just might.



Other Risks

Women with high-risk pregnancies should always seek a specialist. A specialist can really cater to the specific health needs of a pregnant woman with a certain background. Women who have previously had a miscarriage may need to be closely monitored throughout the pregnancy, says Gilbert Webb, MD at Mercy.net. A person who has diabetes, high blood pressure, preeclampsia or seizures should be advised by a specialist.



Women are exposed to a number of risks in their everyday lives when pregnant. Everything from cooking habits to medications can pose potential health risks to unborn children. All women should exercise these precautions to minimize the chances of miscarriage and birth defects in their children. It’s important not to stress about the small things too much though. Talk to your doctor about special precautions you should be taking during pregnancy and enjoy this wonderful time your life.



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