Talk sex and carry on

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On Married At First Sight, couples wed at first sight, believing that they had created the perfect match. However, US sexologist Logan Levkoff (top left) feels that lack of communication is the real reason for such poor stats.

She received her PhD in human sexuality, marriage and family life education from New York University and her master’s in human sexuality education from the University of Pennsylvania.

For over a decade, the faculty member of the University Of Michigan School Of Social Work’s Sexual Health Certificate Program has designed and implemented sexuality education programmes, with her work with teens and parents being profiled in numerous publications.

She revealed that she had been giving sex advice since she was 15, back in the 90s when Aids and HIV were the biggest health scares.

After she witnessed her parents trying to explain sex to her and her sister using two bananas and two condoms, she began studying sex education and became a peer HIV/Aids educator in the North Shore University Hospital’s Aids Education Program in Manhasset, New York.

Said Dr Levkoff, a married mother of two who became a certified sexologist at 23: “My patients range between seven and 90 years old so it tells you how important sex (and its education) is.”

“Young or old, the questions are similar, the most common one being ‘Am I abnormal’?”

“My answer to this is that (for sexually active adults in committed relationships) there should be no rules when it comes to sex.”

“We shouldn’t wait for someone to magically turn us on. It’s up to us to speak up.”