Dental Emergency! Quick Steps to Save Your Tooth

Our teeth are important. They are not only used for chewing food, but they are also an important part of the structure of our face. Losing a tooth, especially a front tooth, is an unnerving and scary situation. When a person has a tooth knocked out, they may feel that there is nothing they can do to save it. Thankfully, this is not the case. Fast action, fast thinking, and a little bit of good fortune is all that is needed to save a tooth that is been knocked out.

Find Your Tooth
First, find the tooth that has been knocked out, and pick it up immediately. When grabbing the tooth, avoid touching the roots, as this can cause irreversible damage. Instead, pick up the tooth by only touching the crown.

Clean Your Tooth
Next, clean the tooth. This must be done in a very gentle but also thorough way. Dentists suggest using warm water to gently rinse to tooth. Avoid scrubbing the tooth as this can remove tissue attached to the roots that is necessary for reattaching it. In order to prevent the tooth from falling down the drain, place a rag or washcloth over the drain in the sink.

Replacing and Transporting Your Tooth
If possible, attempt to put the tooth back into the socket. Use a finger to hold it in place. If the tooth will not fit back into the socket, then it will need to be stored for transportation to the dentist. When storing the tooth, remember that it must be kept moist. If the roots dry out, the tooth will be lost. There are a couple ways to store the tooth for transport. One way is to transport it in your mouth between your cheeks and your gums. Another way is to transport it in a container that has either a tooth-saving solution or milk. It is not recommended to transport a tooth in water. The cells that make up the tooth will not survive long when submerged in water.

Contact a Dentist Immediately
Immediately contact a dentist. It is recommended that in dental emergencies a person should arrive at the dentist within 30 minutes. Anything after 30 minutes severely minimizes the chances of the tooth taking and remaining viable.

Most dentists have time set aside for emergencies. In addition to things like cleanings, cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, and sedation dentistry, providing emergency dental care is an important part of what these dentists do. Do not to be afraid to contact them because the emergency took place outside of business hours. When it comes to repairing your tooth, time is of the essence. Do not delay!

Information Source: Abougoush Professional Corp


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