One of the most common outcomes of an injury to the head is a concussion. Though concussions are often associated with loss of consciousness, their other effects on the body may be far more insidious. Observe and talk to anyone who has suffered head trauma to discover if they are experiencing any of the following symptoms.
Ongoing pain after a head injury could indicate the presence of a concussion. Concussive headaches tend to differ from normal headaches in that they often get worse over time. Usually, pain will be felt as either a migraine or a tension headache, in which a person feels pressure on one side of their head.
After a head injury, a person may vomit or feel sick. This is often an early-onset symptom of concussion, meaning it appears directly after the injury. If someone feels nauseous after a blow to the head, have that person sit down and put their head between their knees. Usually, but not always, feelings of nausea will disappear within a few minutes.
Loss of balance is another sign of concussion. Injury to the head can induce dizziness or even vertigo by causing damage to the inner ear. Signs of dizziness may include stumbling, unfocused eyes, poor hand-eye coordination, and hearing a nonexistent tone.
Amnesia and Confusion
Concussions are also associated with amnesia. This memory loss can affect recall of the time either before or after the injury. Anterograde amnesia, or loss of memory after a blow to the head, is often the most persistent symptom of a concussion. Even if the injured person doesn’t experience full-blown amnesia, he or she may exhibit confusion. An Edmonton lawyer from Cummings Andrews Mackay LLP, who often advises clients that have suffered a traumatic injury, says confusion and other signs of mental impairmentare some of the most definite indicators of a concussive injury. Symptoms of an impaired mental state include vague answers to questions, trouble focusing, difficulty in making decisions, and disorientation.
Be aware that some of these symptoms may not present themselves until a few days after the injury has occurred. Also, the length of time they persist is variable from person to person, sometimes lasting for months. It’s important that anyone exhibiting any sign of a concussion seeks medical attention immediately.
A concussive event not only kills brain cells, but it makes other cells in the brain more vulnerable to long-term damage. Therefore, anybody who has suffered a head injury should minimize their physical activity until all symptoms have completely disappeared.