Ways Of Reducing Harmful Pollutants In Your Home

Ways Of Reducing Harmful Pollutants In Your Home

A person’s home is their castle and often offers a retreat from the pressures of the world, and the opportunity to relax in a space that is truly theirs. Moving home can be exciting, but is generally hard work and stressful – and at first involves a great deal of cleaning and arranging possessions and furniture. However, whilst cleaning may be boring, it is important to do it in order to remove the pollutants that may be lingering in rooms.


Although, they may make your new home smell fresh and homely, it’s always best to avoid the use of air-fresheners as they can introduce a variety of chemicals into your home that can be harmful to people who suffer from allergies, pregnant women and young children. Several of the key components in air-fresheners have carcinogenic properties that can cause dizziness, itching, nausea, headaches and asthma-like symptoms. So if you want to introduce pleasant smelling fragrances to your home it may be better to burn natural oils or use a scented water-diffuser.


In addition to using natural oils, you can also use other alternatives to air-fresheners, such as: keeping your home well ventilated by opening windows, regularly taking out rubbish and cleaning your bin, placing coffee grounds in open containers, cooking fragrant spices in the kitchen, grinding lemon or lime slices into the waste-disposal unit, and buying house-plants that can serve as air filters.


You should also be aware of the material in items you have around the house such as shower curtains. Whilst these and other things made from plastic may seem fairly benign – many are packed with toxins and contain materials that can be harmful, such as toluene and ethyl benzene. These chemicals can have a highly detrimental effect on your health and in serious cases can cause kidney, liver and lung damage.
