Sugar And Spice And All Things Diabetic…

Type two diabetes is a condition which you can manage but you’re unlikely to ever get rid of, it’s a damaging and life altering thing but as long as the diabetic in question takes the steps necessary they’ll find that they can live a relatively normal life. Even though it’s easily manageable through diet and exercise there are other treatments available. In some cases a diabetic will be unable to exercise effectively or will struggle with certain dietary specifics. In those cases these new treatment options may be a viable alternative and if they don’t save a life they’ll certainly make that life a whole lot better.

The most traditional treatment for severe type two diabetes is the regular injection of insulin. Type one diabetes will be familiar with this treatment as it’s also a regular staple of their condition. Insulin needs to be injected several times a day and missing any treatments can have damaging consequences. For many, injecting yourself is unpleasant and preferably avoided and as such researchers have been looking for viable alternatives.

The aim of a type two diabetes drug would be to lower, or at least, control blood sugar levels. There’s a spice which you’ll all be familiar with which has shown some promise at keeping those levels nice and low. Cinnamon has been used in several studies and shown positive results. The studies have been relatively small and few in number, researchers are aware that they’ll need larger groups of test subjects, more time and more funding to make any of the advances they’re hoping to. Regardless of this, there’s a lot of buzz around cinnamon as a potential type two diabetes treatment and I expect we’ll see a lot more study in this area before too long.

Finally a medicine which tastes great!

DiabetesInformationType Two