Healthy Lunchtimes with Type Two Diabetes

It can be a bit of a minefield when you’re trying to find something to eat which is tasty and good for you. It’s much worse when you’re a diabetic as if you don’t stick to what’s good for you then the consequences could be fairly severe.  Not to fear though, we at Yourwellness have made you a wonderful lunchtime selection so you’ve got something tasty to eat at midday regardless of what you’re in the mood for.


Great for you and easy to do. You can be pretty inventive with a salad and serve it up with prawns or grilled chicken and fish to add a bit of variety to the dish.  Avoid bacon and cheese and make sure to keep the vegetables raw. You can add things like nuts and low-fat dressings to keep it interesting and try adding a different selection of vegetables each time.


Remember to use whole-grain bread or tortilla and then just have whatever you like. Keep an eye on fat content and try and avoid cheeses or fatty meats, other than that you’ll be fine. Fish sandwiches with low fat mayo are a great option to try and if you’re into vegetables you’ll find all sorts of choices open to you too!


Easy and healthy too, soup offer a wide variety of flavours and, providing you avoid fatty things like creams or crème fraiche you’ll be able to have almost any taste you want. Obviously the vegetable soups will be best for you, have a nice bit of crusty whole grain bread and some low-fat butter for extra flavour.


Stick to whole grain and try topping with a rich tomato sauce and lean meat or fish. Got nuts with veggies and experiment with seasonings (except salt!)


DiabetesEating IdeaType Two