Help From Acupuncture In Curing Cancer-related Fatigue

Fatigue is one of the most common side-effects of cancer, and has a network of causes. Many of these causes are related to cancer treatment and form an unavoidable effect that the patient has no choice but to tolerate on the path back to wellness. Fatigue can have a seriously debilitating effect on lifestyle and wellbeing, and this may be short- or long-term depending on the patient’s health and the progression of their cancer.


The issue of cancer-related fatigue is one that many patients believe they ‘just have to live with’. In some ways, it seems like a small price to pay to rid the body of malignant cells. However, some believe that the soothing of side effects should take a central place in cancer treatment, as it is the sufferer’s sense of wellbeing that will ultimately give them the strength to continue their fight. This rationale is evident in the 40% of cancer survivors who choose a complementary therapy to maintain their health regime. Such complementary health choices include herbal supplements, deep breathing, yoga and meditation. In common use among them is the Chinese Traditional Therapy – Acupuncture.


Acupuncture is a common choice for those seeking to reduce pain and reduce chemotherapy-related nausea. The technique is tailored to the patient’s specific needs and acts to boost the body’s own pain-killing structures and increase circulation, thus increasing the detoxifying action of blood flow. A recent study, led by Dr Alex Molassiotis at the University of Manchester evaluated the effects of acupuncture on 302 breast cancer patients. Those who underwent six weekly acupuncture treatments showed improvements in their experience of fatigue, as well as reduced levels of pain, anxiety and depression.


The results are encouraging for complementary therapists and cancer patients alike. Acupuncture not only offers a way out of the debilitating side-effect of fatigue, but also allows patients a sense of empowerment over their own healthcare. It is a valuable option that can end the never-ending cycle of treating drug-related side-effects with more drugs, each of which bringing further side-effects as well as the danger of dependence. Acupuncture is a clean and natural method which brings no side-effects or complications, and has thousands of years of wellbeing success to its name.
