3 Reasons to Have Nail and Fungus Treatment on Your Feet

3 Reasons to Have Nail and Fungus Treatment on Your Feet

There are a variety of reasons you should consider treating toenail fungus. Although the condition generally starts out painless and barely noticeable, it can lead to complications if left to advance on its own. Why treat now, rather than waiting until it becomes a more pressing issue?

Resume Normal Appearance
According to the Dalhousie Station Foot Clinic, toenail fungus is recognizable by the thickened appearance of the nails, accumulated debris under the nail, and white marks on the nail. Not a very attractive look. Whether you want to enjoy sandal weather, or are just concerned about taking off your shoes in someone’s home, fungal treatment allows your feet to return to their normal, healthy appearance, minimizing embarrassment.

Easier, Less Aggressive Treatment
Fungal infections are very stubborn. Starting treatment early makes the treatment process quicker and less invasive. Caught in the early stages, you may be able to clear up a fungal infection with over the counter medication applied directly to the nail. An infection that has been in the nail bed for a while may require prescription treatment applied directly to the nail as well as an anti-fungal taken orally. You may also require an antibiotic, as bacterial infections often develop alongside fungal infections of the nail beds. In aggressive cases, the entire nail bed may need to be removed to allow the medication to penetrate and kill off the fungus.

Relieve Pain
Nail fungus isn’t generally thought of as painful, but it absolutely can cause pain if left untreated. One of the symptoms of nail fungus is a gradual thickening of the nail over time. At first, you will notice the nail yellowing, but no other changes. As the fungal infection remains untreated, the nail becomes even thicker and misshapen. When this happens, your shoes may begin to press on the nail, or the misshapen nail may get caught on your sock. All of this causes pressure on your nail bed that leads to pain.

Treating nail fungus can be frustrating, because the treatment process is so long. It can take over three months for the nail to return to normal. While it may be tempting to leave the nails untreated, if you aren’t yet experiencing pain, doing so only increases the amount of time and the cost when you do begin the treatment process. Acting proactively in treating your nail condition is particularly important if you have existing health concerns, such as diabetes or circulation issues.


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