The Big Four And What Makes Arthritis Such A Pain!

There are a small number of well known conditions which can be considered the big ones. These are, cancer, diabetes, heart disease and arthritis. You could factor in obesity which is a known cause or provoker of these  conditions and as such should be avoided but it’s those four which are most common in the west and have the most money poured into their research. With the amount of money which goes into medical research you’d expect massive leaps and bounds but, though there is progress, it’s slow going. What this means in terms of treatment is that it’s fairly static, or at least it appears to be. For this reason a lot of patients turn to more holistic remedies in the hope that these will give them the relief and treatment they desire. In some cases they do and in others they don’t, it really does depend on the patient and the treatment they use. Regardless, the point of fact is that these big four diseases leave people desperate for a solution and modern medicine isn’t always as forthcoming as you might expect.


Arthritis itself is an inflammatory condition which is actually over 200 unique conditions which all involve the discomfort caused by inflammation in the joints. In a lot of cases it’s a factor of getting older and patients will get progressively worse as they age. It’s thought that as many as ¾ of all sufferers of arthritis are over 65 and that 350 million people suffer from the condition in the world today. That leaves a hefty ¼ of 350 million who’re young or at least younger and have become arthritic.
Clearly arthritis isn’t caused just by age. In fact there are a multitude of different factors which can lead to the condition emerging and once you’ve got it, it’s not going anywhere. Things like obesity are a huge factor here as weighing more than average can put more stress and strain on your joints, exacerbating the degradation of the cartilage and leaving your joints open to damage. In the same way, excessive exercise puts undue strain on your joints and causes arthritis in the same way.
The moral of this story is moderation. Providing you don’t ask your body to handle too much then you could well live you whole life without experiencing the debilitation which arthritis can be.

