Arthritic Exacerbation: What To Avoid And What To Eat

When you’re dealing with a chronic condition then you’re dealing with the fact that, chances are, you’ll have that condition for the rest of your life. A lot of people give up and just accept that this is for them and that the sooner they get used to it the sooner it’ll seem normal. In a lot of ways this is true, once you’ve embraced your new circumstance and learned to live with it you can get back to the way you lived you life before, with obvious allowances made for your new condition. What many patients may not do and what they should be doing, is looking at their options. Doctors are very good at giving you a medication or treatment which will ease their conditions but very few will mention the plethora of holistic remedies you can try to ease your condition. Some will work, most won’t but if you’re stuck with the condition for the rest of your life you’ve got the time to try!
With arthritis it’s all about the balance of your body. You can make it much worse by eating the wrong things and you can make it much better by eating the right things. The following are two short lists, one with foods you should eat a lot of and the other with foods you should avoid to save yourself some pain and discomfort in the long run.


Kills the Pain!

Things which are abundant in fatty acids and antioxidants will help you out here. So think about things like pineapple, berries, spinach, broccoli, onions and yoghurt. If you’re going to have meat then make sure it’s lean and if you’re going to have fish then make sure it’s caught and not farmed!


Makes it worse!

Avoid trans fats, they trigger and inflammatory response which can set off your arthritis. Avoid breakfast cereal, pastries, cookies, jams and oils. Avoid processed sugar when you can!

