Can Ayurveda Bring Your Asthma Under Control?

Have you ever considered alternative medicine as a way of controlling your asthma?

Bronchial asthma is on the rise, but medical science is yet to find a permanent cure and medication can only suppress attacks or relax and open airways during an attack.

If you are searching for a change in lifestyle that can stop frequent attacks you may find your answer lies in Ayurveda – a traditional Hindu system of medicine, which uses diet, herbal treatment, and yogic breathing.

Ayurveda looks not only at the respiratory problems, but also at the gastro intestinal factors as a cause of asthma and places great importance on your diet as a way to control your condition.

It has been observed that just before the onset of asthma the patient suffers from diarrhea, constipation or indigestion.

Ayurveda considers asthma as one of three types: Kapha, Pitta and Vata. The treatment prescribed varies with each.

Kapha type asthma is the most common, with symptoms including a cough, wheezing and the production of clear and white mucus, Pitta type asthma involves coughing with yellow mucus and other signs including fever, sweating and irritability and Vata type asthma can be identified with a dry cough and wheezing. Other symptoms can include a dry mouth and skin, thirst, anxiety and constipation.

Being able to identify which of these asthma types you suffer from can help you choose the remedies that are most effective.

Ayurveda treatment can give you the drug believed to best provide relief from asthma attacks and help you adjust your diet and way of living to control your condition.
