Central Heating – Too Much of a Good Thing?

Central heating is one of the great inventions of modern times and is perfect for heating homes to the right temperature at the right time. However, whilst it may be a convenient way to keep warm, some experts now believe that central heating could be contributing to a number of health issues from sinusitis and allergies to obesity and headaches.

The problem is that we’ve become so reliant on our central heating systems that we often have the heat turned on more than necessary and it’s easy to find our homes becoming over heated and lacking in fresh air.

Experts have pointed out that human beings evolved in a time when central heating didn’t exist and so our bodies are not naturally adapted to deal with the swings in temperature and the dry atmosphere that artificial heating can create.

The dry conditions caused by central heating have, for example, been linked to inflammation of the sinuses. In addition, a study carried out by researchers at University College London and the University of Cambridge suggested that central heating could be linked to rising rates of obesity. And although spending time in a room that is warm and snug may be relaxing, it can also make us drowsy and lethargic.

If you suspect that your central heating is leaving you feeling sluggish, try turning it down a degree or two. It’s also beneficial to open the windows in your house each day to let fresh air in.

To find out more about how your home environment could be contributing to allergies, visit: www.healthy-house.co.uk

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