Is There Something Sinister in Your Garden?

Growing a wide range of different plants and flowers in the garden looks beautiful and is very rewarding. But did you know that some common garden plants are actually poisonous? It doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy them – just that you should take extra care around certain plants.

Throughout history, plants have been used for their medicinal properties but others have been used for far more sinister purposes – there are even recorded cases of people murdering their spouses using common garden plants. Accidental deaths are fortunately not very common but it is still worth knowing which plants in your garden may pose a risk.

Some plants can cause problems when touched, for instanceby causing a rash. Others are poisonous if ingested and whilst most adults wouldn’t dream of eating an unidentified plant from the garden, care may need to be taken if you have small children or pets who may not be so sensible. And some plants can emit highly toxic fumes when burnt – so it’s worth knowing which plants this applies to before lighting a garden bonfire.

To avoid illness or injury from poisonous plants, always read the labels carefully when introducing new plants to the garden. If you don’t have a label, use the Internet to research the properties of your plant. If a plant could be an irritant, always use gloves when handling it and wash your hands thoroughly after gardening.

Children under the age of five are the group most at risk from poisonous plants as gardens are full of exciting things for them to touch and nibble on. It’s therefore important to teach children the importance of not touching certain plants and make sure they know not to eat any kind of plant that hasn’t been given to them by an adult.

Some plants may cause an allergic reaction in certain people but be harmless for others. If you develop a reaction after touching a particular plant, an anti-histamine product from the pharmacist may help but if the symptoms are more serious, seek medical help as soon as possible.

Some plants can be poisonous when burnt, giving off toxic fumes which in extreme circumstances can cause breathing problems or even unconsciousness. It’s therefore important to know exactly what you are burning if you plan to build a garden bonfire.

Even plants that are safe for humans may cause problems for pets if ingested – so if you have a dog or cat that likes to nibble on garden foliage, make sure you check if the plants could be harmful to your pet.

If you suspect that a human has ingested a poisonous plant or has a severe rash or burns after touching a plantseek medical advice. If the reaction is serious, take the person to your nearest hospital’s Accident & Emergency department for treatment, along with a sample of the plant if possible. Do not attempt to make the person vomit. If your pet has eaten a plant that you suspect may make them ill, take the pet to the vet – again with a sample of the plant if possible.

You can find out more about which garden plants are poisonous at the Royal Horticultural Society website:

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