Feeling Fruity

Having a well-stocked fruit bowl in your kitchen is a great way to make sure you eat your five recommended portions of fruit and veg each day. And if a lovely selection of fresh fruit is always available, you’re less likely to reach for unhealthy snacks such as cakes, biscuits and crisps.

Here are some tips for getting the most from your fruit bowl:

Keep it Visible
Place your fruit bowl somewhere where you will see it regularly throughout the day. This will encourage you to eat more fruit and prevent fruit from rotting before you’ve had chance to consume it. By choosing a pretty bowl and filling it with different fruits, you can even turn your fruit bowl into an attractive table centre-piece.

Keep it Fresh
Choose a fruit bowl that allows air to flow around the fruit to keep it fresh. If a piece of fruit has become overly soft – remove it as soon as possible to prevent it from causing other pieces of fruit to decay. Wash your fruit bowl at least once a week. In hot weather, you may need to store your fruit bowl in the fridge.

Mix it Up
Don’t just stick to the old favourites such as apples and oranges – experiment with different fruits that you perhaps haven’t tried before. If you find it hard to get excited about fruit, keep a stock of accompaniments close to hand such as yogurt or granola which you can mix with fruit to create an enticing snack.

For more inspiration when buying fresh fruit, visit: www.fruitsinfo.com

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