How Disgusting Substances Can Be Used Beneficially

Whilst it’s quite natural to assume that anything dirty is bad for you, there are times when things that smell, look and feel unpleasant can actually have a positive impact on your health and wellbeing. Many research and scientific organisations study substances that you are likely to find repellent – in order to foster a greater understanding of how the body works and how seemingly harmful materials can be used in a positive and beneficial manner.


In order to get it out of the way – human faeces are often used in research to gain a better understanding of how microbes function in the gut. This may sound extremely unpleasant, but these types of studies can help the medical-community to get a clearer picture of how bacteria nurtures health or results in the onset of disease and illness.


Whilst it is unattractive around the house – mould has had a profoundly beneficial impact on the wellbeing of humans. Mould is the basis of anti-biotics, and has been a key constituent in the production of penicillin since Alexander Fleming recognised its medicinal properties in 1928 – leading to a form of medicine that has transformed the world.


An especially foul smelling substance is hydrogen sulphide – a gas that is emitted when things decay and rot. However, scientists have discovered that the presence of this gas can be an early indicator of chronic conditions such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease – allowing health-experts to refine diagnosis processes.


Finally, Nitric Oxide is righty considered as an odious gas that is often expelled from car-exhausts. Despite this, it has been found to have properties that are essential for living organisms, and many small creatures use it as a means of transmitting signals that are crucial to body-function, such as the activation of nerve cells and the production of white blood cells.


The positive outcomes that the study and use of these substances can lead to, is yet another reminder of how the world operates in a truly holistic manner, and how science can often work in mysterious ways.
