A meditation area should be thought of as a special or sacred place. Keeping it clean and separate from the rush of your daily life will help to develop a peaceful energy there. Regularly returning to the same place to meditate will also help your ability to concentrate, as the mental association of calm you build with it will grow and grow. Many people choose to keep inspirational pictures or statues in their meditation space. It can also be helpful to burn incense, as this will help to build an association of peace in your mind.
When you have established the most helpful and peaceful surroundings for you, it’s time to consider what kind of seat will help. There are many different kinds of meditation cushions on the market, so first consider whether you prefer a hard or soft base for your meditation. Depending on your flexibility and general physical wellbeing you may or may not wish to sit on the floor. If the floor is not an option for you, it could be worth considering a meditation bench. Meditation benches are wider than normal chairs and allow you to sit in lotus position while elevated. A mediation chair or bench can also provide a beautiful addition to the furniture scheme in your home; many of them come in beautifully toned woods, such as mahogany.
When constructing a mediation space in your home, go slowly. Don’t rush to create something, but let it slowly build according to the objects that benefit you personally in your meditation. Objects carrying a special energy will continue to come to you throughout your life and can be incorporated into your sacred space over the long-term. A personal energetic sanctuary of this kind can provide a constant support for your spiritual wellbeing.