Hit the Ground Running

Hit the Ground Running

Starting a new job can be an exciting and rewarding time but it can also be quite daunting – particularly if you don’t know what to expect. It’s likely that you’ve got lots of concerns running through your mind from ‘will I be able to do the job?’ to ‘will I get on with my colleagues?’

When you begin your new job, getting your first week right is crucial. In fact, the way you act and the things you achieve in your first couple of days could impact on your happiness at work for many years to come. It’s therefore worth investing a little time in planning your first few days and weeks so that you can start your new job feeling relaxed and preparedwhilst making a good impression.

Here are some of the things to think about:

Information Overload
It’s normal to be given lots of new information in the first few days of a new job. From alarm codes to people’s names, it can be a lot to take in. Carry a small note book and pen everywhere you go and write down anything you think you might forget.

Plan Ahead
It’s natural to worry about whether you’re up to the job but it’s often the little details that make or break the success of your first few days. By planning ahead you can remove a lot of the stress. For example, make sure you know where to park and find out in advance if there is a particular dress code.

Ask for an Induction
Many companies have a formal induction process but if yours doesn’t, ask if you can have a meeting with your new boss on your first day. This will give you the opportunity to run through your objectives for the first week and first month in your new job. Knowing about company procedures is also vital, so it is worth asking the HR team or your boss if there are any staff handbooks or documentation that you need to be aware of.

Meet Your Team
If you’re going to be running a team in your new role, it’s important that you meet all the members individually during your first week. Forming good relationships with the people who will be working for you could be crucial to your future success.

Ask Questions Straightaway
Sometimes people might use a word or phrase that you don’t understand. If this happens, ask them to explain straightaway. No-one will mind you not knowing certain things in your first couple of days but if you ignore them you’ll feel more stupid if you have to ask a basic question weeks later.

Even though you might be feeling nervous on your first day, greet everyone with a smile and act confidently even if you’re not feeling it.

For more advice about careers, take a look at: www.totaljobs.com

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