Change One Thing

If you’ve decided that you’d like to live a more environmentally friendly lifestyle, it can be difficult to know where to begin. The trick is not to try and reorganise your entire lifeovernight – instead try introducing just one green idea each week. Do this and over time you’ll find that your lifestyle naturally becomes more environmentally friendly.

Here are some simple ideas you can easily incorporate into your daily life:

Have one car-free day a week giving up your car completely might be a step too far but if you can have one day each week without the car you’ll still make a big difference to your carbon footprint.

Cut your heat by one degree instead of turning off your heating altogether, try turning the thermostat down by just one degree to reduce your energy output and utility bills.

Change one light bulb to an energy efficient alternative next time you need to replace a light bulb, choose an energy efficient replacement.

Swap one thing in your shopping basket rather than overhauling your entire weekly shop, just substitute one product for a more environmentally friendly option by choosing an organic or locally-sourced product.

Ditch one chemical productnext time you need to stock up on a particular toiletry or cleaning product, choose a brand that’s eco-friendly. Over the course of a year, you’ll gradually find that you’ve replaced your chemical-laden products for ones that are kinder to you and the environment.

There are lots of other ways you can change just one thing to make your life more environmentally friendly. Visit for ideas.

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