Eat Organic? Why Not Wear Organic?

Many of us choose organic foods when we visit the supermarket because we believe they are better for the environment and better for our health. However fewer of us consider whether the clothes we buy are made using organic processes. But choosing organic textiles doesn’t have to be difficult and offers many environmental and health benefits.

Non-organic fabrics, even natural ones like cotton, are usually grown and processed using a multitude of pesticides, insecticides and other chemicals. By choosing organic fabrics, we can really make a difference to both the natural environment and the farmers and workers who produce materials.

Why choose organic fabrics:
– The manufacturing process is free from chemicals which could damage the health of workers and local wildlife

– Where fabrics are made from animal wool, organic producers tend to have high standards of animal welfare in place

– Organic producers generally operate in a more ethical manner ensuring that the farmers and workers within the supply chain are treated fairly

– Organic textiles are kinder to our skin as they are usually free from allergens and irritating chemicals which is good news for anyone who suffers from skin conditions

– Organic cotton is GM-free

If you’d like to switch to organic fabrics, you’ll find lots of products available online. Alternatively, when buying clothes or fabrics in high street shops, check the label to see if it has an organic or fair trade logo.

For more information about organic fabrics, visit:

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