5 Techniques You Should Be Using to Brush Your Teeth

5 Techniques You Should Be Using to Brush Your Teeth

It’s common knowledge that brushing your teeth daily is an essential part of proper oral hygiene. However, some people don’t realize that the techniques they use while brushing are just as important as the frequency of their brushing.

Harder Isn’t Better
Many people make the mistake of brushing their teeth abrasively, feeling that this will provide better cleaning. However, roughly running bristles over your teeth and gums can actually be quite damaging. Brushing over-zealously can wear on enamel and irritate the tissue of the gums, leading to recession. When gum recession and wearing of enamel occurs, this leaves your mouth more vulnerable to diseases like gingivitis.

Brush in the Right Direction
Many people fall into the habit of brushing teeth side-to-side, horizontally. However, this is actually not the healthiest or most effective way to brush. Brushing in small, gentle circles is the best way to get a complete cleaning.

Take Your Time
Does your dentist rush through a cleaning? No—so neither should you. Experts recommend brushing for at least two minutes during each session to maintain oral health. Colgate notes that while some people worry they may be “over brushing” if spending too much time with their bristles, the truth is that timing is not an issue in regard to erosion. Rather, applying too much pressure while brushing is what can cause detrimental issues.

Brush At Least Twice a Day
People are encouraged to brush their teeth at least twice a day, every day. Ideally, people can brush three times a day to rid their mouth of food and particles after each meal. A Glendale Heights dentist suggests carrying a travel toothbrush when you’re away from home so you can brush whenever and wherever you need to.

Choose the Right Brush
Just as the techniques you use to clean your teeth are important, so is the brush itself. Despite being a bit pricier, electric toothbrushes are a great investment. Electric toothbrushes are set at a pace that is optimal for oral health and also works in circular motions, which offers a massage to the gums and encourages healthy tissue. Don’t forget to clean your brush with hot water after use. Remember that once the tool you use ends up housing the germs you just eliminated, without proper cleaning, the brush’s effectiveness can become null.

Alongside these techniques, it is integral to practice other oral hygiene techniques to keep your mouth healthy. Don’t forget to floss during each session, to brush the surface of your tongue as well as your teeth, and also to rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash as a final step in the process.


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