Is Your Home Your Biggest Fracture Risk?

When we think about the most likely places to trip or fall, we may think of icy patches outdoors, or uneven/slippery pavements, but a lot of risks could lie within our homes. Although many of us might just suffer bruising from tripping over, if we suffer from brittle bones a minor fall could have very serious consequences for our wellness.


Home health and safety


Health and safety isn’t just for businesses or something only to be aware of at work. Part of a recent National Osteoporosis Foundation awareness campaign highlights how we need to look at our homes to reduce the risk of fractures. Our bones naturally become lighter as we age, but this can become dangerous if our bone mineral density becomes too low – which is usually when we’re diagnosed with osteoporosis.


Although we may feel like our wellbeing isn’t being affected by the condition, a simple fall could lead to long-term hospitalisation or disability. Part of the treatment for this condition in the UK is to look at our homes and how safe they are. The foundation recommends that we remove loose rugs, slippy bathroom mats, and clutter from halls/stairs. In case we do fall, grabbing rails and stair railings may help us catch ourselves and prevent a fracture. Good lighting allows us to see hazards before we fall over them.


Beyond the home


As well as making our homes safe, we need to make sure we are safe too! We can do this by buying footwear that fits properly and wearing clothes that don’t affect our ability to mobilise easily.  Getting our eyes tested ensures we can see clearly in and outside of the home, so hazards are spotted before we stumble on them. In addition to all this, doctors may start us on a treatment programme that focuses on building our bone mass with medications. Our diets may also get an overhaul to include Vitamins D, K and calcium, so bones cells have the necessary nutrients for cell renewal.
