What Are The Dangers In The Air We Breathe?

You may know that pollution in the air we breathe can have serious implications for our health. But did you know the air we breathe in the safety of our own homes could lead to illness and disease?

Your home may appear spotless, you may spend hours cleaning up every little bit of dust that settles, every tiny bit of mould that appears in your bathroom and every strand of pet hair. But you haven’t got everything.

Dust and mould particles are in the air we breathe and are virtually impossible to see.

It is these particles that can make a difference between being healthy and suffering from range of medical conditions.

Asthma is the most common condition that can be caused by poor air quality. The pollutants in the air can spark an asthma attack and leave a person struggling to breath. People with asthma who live in highly polluted area are more likely to experience attack and more severe attacks than those who live in areas with lower levels of pollution.

As well as dust, mould spores and pet hair, smoke particles and chemicals from cleaning products can trigger an asthma attack.

Polluted air could also contribute to the development of autism. People who live near major roads or industrial areas are more likely to develop autism than those who live in the countryside, for example.

You would be forgiven for not knowing that the air you breathe could have an effect on the health of your skin. Pollution is, more often than not, associated with respiratory illnesses and disease.

But people who live in big towns or cities are more likely to experience skin irritation and other infections due to the amount of pollution in the air.

The quality of the air we breathe can have a major impact in the quality of our health. Making sure you breathe plenty of clean air will limit your risk of developing health problems and perhaps ease the symptoms of any you already have.
