Too Much on Your Plate? Then Delegate!

Too Much on Your Plate? Then Delegate!

For some people delegation comes easily but for others giving up control of certain tasks can be difficult. Whether you manage a large team or just one or two people, there will be times when you’re just too busy to do everything yourself. This is when you need to delegate tasks to other people.

Why delegate?
When you try to tackle an unrealistic workload on your own, it’s easy to feel frazzled and burnt out. But delegation isn’t just about reducing your own workload; sharing tasks with your team is a great way for others to learn new skills and feel valued in their role. It can provide fresh ideas and free you up to try new things too.

The fear of delegating
Delegating often takes a leap of faith. You need to put your trust in someone else and take a step back from certain tasks. For some, this can create a feeling of being out of control, particularly if you worry that other people won’t complete the job to your own high standards.

If you’re worried about delegating, here are some tips:

  • Don’t expect people to do things in exactly the same way you would. Everyone has their own methods.
  • Always provide a clear brief and let people know exactly what you need and when you need it.
  • Let your colleagues know you’re on hand if they need help with a new task but give them the space to get on with things by themselves.

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