When you lose fat rapidly, your body produces more ketones, and higher levels of thi substance in your blood can decrease your baby’s IQ. However, this finding is also controversial, as some argue that the rapid weight loss is to blame, while others believe it to be the fault of ill-controlled glucose levels are responsible. Therefore, Bohl says that until enough research is done to prove weight loss is OK for pregnant women, ‘The goal is to just maintain the current weight, or have a slower rate of gain’.
You should base your rate of weight gain during pregnancy on your pre-pregnancy weight. If you were overweight before your pregnancy, you are at higher risk for developing gestational diabetes and should plan to gain about 15 to 25 pounds during the pregnancy. If you are obese, this number should stop at 15 pounds. Make an appointment with a registered dietician, diabetes educator, or doctor and discuss your concerns, risks and plan to combat your risk of diabetes.
Your medical professional will probably recommend exercise, as it has many beneficial effects for women who have, or are at risk for gestational diabetes, including keeping blood sugar low and keeping baby size normal, regardless of whether you lose any weight or not. Also, a registered dietician can help you devise a meal plan that balances the right nutrients with the right quantities of food.
Even if you do lose weight, this shouldn’t be your focus. Bohl says ‘When we prescribe a diet to manage gestational diabetes, it sometimes happens that people do lose weight, especially during the first trimester’ but this happens because your early pregnancy weight gain is outdone by the effects of the healthy foods and exercise. Weight loss is a great idea before you get pregnant, but once your baby is on the way you should only approach weight loss with caution and your doctor’s approval.