The Huge Health Benefits Of Water-Distillation

Whilst the water you drink may appear to be safe, clean and healthy and taste OK, it is often full of harmful elements such as parasites, viruses and bacteria that can have a negative impact upon your health and wellbeing.

Fortunately there are simple methods of making water safer – and one of the ways it can be achieved is through the process of distillation. Distillation purifies water by vaporising it – so harmful elements can be separated from healthy ones. The process involves passing the vapour through a tube into condenser and then cooling it – so it returns to its natural form with all harmful properties removed.

If you wish to practice this approach at home, it is wise to get a sense of exactly how much water you use on a weekly-basis in order to get a good idea of which type of equipment is best for you. If you want to make sure you and your family are constantly supplied with safe-water, a batch distiller is probably your best option, and is often used in the workplace and other environments in which the demand for drinking-water is high.

It’s important to note, that as well as removing things that are bad for you – the distillation process also removes minerals that are good for you. So, if you’re going to give distillation a go, it might be worth replacing these minerals with supplemented alternatives. The key minerals that will be removed are magnesium, calcium and potassium – and all play an important role in good health. The minerals can also be found in many fruits and vegetables, which are most likely already, part of your diet.

Water distillation is not the most economical means of producing clean water, but can be a valuable investment in your home when you consider the amount of water you drink on a daily basis.
