What Colour Are Your Muscles Lips? Blue? Try Again!

Arthritis is an inflammatory condition which affects the joints. It generally destroys the cartilage in joints. Cartilage is the cushioning which protects the bone when we move, without this bones rub together and cause swelling and inflammation. There are over 200 types of arthritis and dozens upon dozens of different treatments for it, both the holistic and the pharmaceutical. The fact is, even though there’s so much you can do to ease the symptoms there’s almost nothing which can be done to cure the actual conditions and most arthritic patients are doomed to a life of chronic pain.

The holistic treatments for arthritis often involve slight lifestyle changes or losing weight. Obesity can be one of the largest exacerbating factors of the condition, putting even more stress on already damaged joints just causes them to degrade at a much more rapid rate. This means that obese arthritic patients will likely suffer from more pain and their condition will often be much harder to treat!

There’s a long history of a certain type of muscle being used to effectively counter some of the degradation to the cartilage caused by arthritis. These are green lipped muscles and they’re so good at protecting joints because they’re packed full of all the components our bodies need to form more cartilage and heal what we already have.

If you’re a lover of seafood and you’re looking for ways to ease your arthritis symptoms then give it a go and let us know if it has any positive impact! We’re always looking for new and interesting ways to treat the conditions which give people the worst problems and chronic illnesses like arthritis are some of the least pleasant. Most people will just have to live with them and it’s our aim to make that as easy as we possibly can!

Arthritisjoints and bonesmuscles