Studies Show That Aerobic Exercise Is Best For Burning Fat

A large proportion of adults across the globe are overweight and suffering from health problems due to obesity. Yet, at the same time, modern society is far more health conscious and in a constant attempt to lose weight, get fitter and stay healthier. It’s been believed that resistance training can help to lose weight, but new studies have shown that aerobic training can actually be more beneficial when it comes to shifting the pounds.

Exercises such as walking, running and swimming fall into the aerobic exercise remit, and are really effective in helping you to lose weight. While resistance training is great for building body mass and raising the metabolic rate, there is no proof that it can help you to lose weight. There are health benefits to performing resistance training, however, such as helping you to improve your glucose control in the body.

The study involved 234 participants who were overweight or suffered from obesity, who were then randomly assigned one of three exercise groups – resistance training aerobic training and a combination of the two. The data was then analysed to ascertain the effectiveness of each exercise. The results were surprising: those in the aerobic and aerobic plus resistance training groups lose more weight than those who did resistance training, while those in the resistance training group actually gained weight due to the increase in lean body mass.

The study showed conclusively that aerobic exercise is a far more efficient exercise for weight loss, with the group in question spending around 133 minutes each week on training. Those in the resistance training group spent around 180 minutes on their weekly training, yet different shift a pound come weighing day. A varied array of exercise is helpful in enabling your body to benefit from as many different features as possible, but if you’re looking to lose weight, aerobic exercise is far more effective than most in helping you to burn calories and shift the pounds.

Aerobic ExerciseBurn FatInformation