Doctors seem to be finding new complications caused by diabetes all the time. It was always thought that type two diabetes raise the fracture risk for patients with the condition, their bones would break much easier essentially. What’s good news for type two diabetics everywhere is that, while it’s true type two diabetics have more of a risk than the general population those with the most risk seem to be type two diabetics who’ve let their blood-sugar levels get out of control.
The study which showed this didn’t go into enough detail to explain the root cause but it showed, without a shadow of a doubt, that those with consistently higher levels of blood-sugar were at much more risk of a bone fracturing than those who controlled their condition. Obviously further study is now required to find the correlation and work out just why this happens like it does. It’s just one more damage which letting your blood-sugar level get out of control will do you and one more reason to work hard at keep your diabetes managed!
There are of course, many other reasons too. Diabetes damages your vision and your nerves. Prolonged high levels of blood-sugar can leave you blind and numb in your extremities, neither of which are things that you’d want!