The inflammation of the joints, which is what arthritis is, can make fine motor skills as issue if you happen to have the condition in your hands. It can also make putting pressure on anything painful and impossible to bear. If you consider cooking dinner or trying to type an email, think of all the little tasks you’d need to create a meal and to type at all. You’ll need to open cans, chop, peel, stir and carry a great deal of things. Opening tins, bottles and cans may well become next to impossible. Chopping with any precision is going to be a struggle and the same can be said for peeling. What can you do to help yourself beyond live the right way and hope your symptoms go into remission?
A new piece of technology is here to save the day and make your life easier. It’s called the MagicOpener and it’ll open cans and bottles for you without causing you or your condition any harm. It’s a must have for any arthritic patient who loves cooking and doesn’t want to give it up. A simply piece of kit to make your life better!