Why Buying Cheap Natural Supplements Is A Bad Idea

Why Buying Cheap Natural Supplements Is A Bad Idea

As consumers we live in a world where it is important to look for the bargains in everyday life. This can lead to us being sucked in by the cheapest prices without thinking about how those prices manage to be so cheap in the first place. But while it can be tempting to think with your wallet rather than your brain, buying supplements on the cheap can cause you serious problems, and even put your health at risk.

That’s because we increasingly see vitamin and mineral supplements as an extremely important part of our diet. And as with most products you don’t have to look far to find a very cheap alternative to the higher priced versions. At first these can seem like a perfect way to get your supplements inexpensively, but the reality can be far more worrying.

The only reason that the supplements can be sold for such a low price is because they are produced in countries where there are fewer regulations. It’s important to remember that if the ingredients in your supplements aren’t subject to regular oversight, there’s a chance they could become very damaging to your wellbeing.

The active ingredients in many supplements are botanicals – extracts from herbs and plants. This means that there are a number of problems that can occur before they are placed in the supplement. One worry is contamination from pesticides and other chemicals. These can be highly hazardous to humans and should never be consumed.

The herbs and plants could also have been exposed to radiation to grow them more quickly. This kind of practice is common in countries where there is little or no regulation. And remember that with a less regulated system there also carries the risk of plant misidentification. Slightly different plants can have drastically different properties, with some even being very dangerous for humans to consume.

Cheap natural supplements might seem like a nice idea at first, but the risk is enough that it’s worth buying them from reputable sources so that you guarantee the quality.
