Reduce Hair Loss With Vitamins And Minerals

Reduce Hair Loss With Vitamins And Minerals

Hair loss might not seem like it could seriously affect your wellbeing. But the thought of going bald does weigh heavily on the minds of many men. When hair loss begins to set in, a lot of people will do almost anything to avoid the bowling-ball look. But if you’d like to escape the bad wig or the dreaded comb-over there are some naturals methods of reducing hair loss.

There are a number of myths that have arisen regarding the problem. But fortunately advancements in medicine are beginning to shut them out. For example, although male pattern baldness is hereditary and can be passed on through the genes, it’s not true that it can only be passed down from the mothers’ side. The genes can be passed down from either side. Also, contrary to the old wives’ tales, you can’t go bald from wearing a hat either.

It seems that if you do want to keep your hair healthy then you’ll need to keep your body healthy first. If you eat badly and don’t get the right nutrients, it will soon show up in your hair. There’s no absolute cure for hair loss, but there are a number of vitamins and minerals you can place in your diet to ensure you’ve got the best possible chance.

Vitamins A, C and E, essential fatty acids and plenty of protein should make an ideal combination to make sure you keep thick, luscious hair. The vitamins are abundant in raw fruits and vegetables. It may be a good idea to use vitamin supplements to top up your intake during the day.

It’s a much better idea to simply improve your diet and make sure that the food you eat is rich in the vitamins that your body craves. You’ll soon see the health benefits, not only to your body, but to your hair as well.

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