When shopping, try to stick to a list as it will stop you buying impulse purchases. Buying seasonal fruit and vegetables helps to keep the cost down, as well as ensuring that the produce you’re buying is tastier. Frozen vegetables and canned goods also count towards your five a day and make a cheaper alternative to fresh foods.
Preparation is key when it comes to saving money, so prepare meals in advance and freeze your food in portions to stop food from going out of date. Home cooked meals are not only cheaper but are also healthier as you’ll know how much salt and fat have gone into them. Another tip is to put food that is going out of date soon at the front of your cupboard or fridge so that you use it up first, avoiding waste and helping you to save money from having to replace food.
Make sure that you’ve got a cupboard that is well-stocked with essential items to bolster your vegetarian diet with health-boosting ingredients. For example, rapeseed oil, yeast extract and tinned pulses are all inexpensive items which add protein, fibre and essential vitamins to your diet without costing you a fortune. Planning ahead and ensuring that you keep canned and frozen goods in the house can be a great way of ensuring a healthy diet without having to rely on expensive fresh produce every week.