How Do You Stay Motivated To Get The Body You Want?

How Do You Stay Motivated To Get The Body You Want?

Whether you want improve your wellness with weight loss, or building your muscle tone, working out requires a lot of discipline sustained over a long period of time. Many people who are motivated initially to eat well and exercise more, but end up hitting a wall at a certain point in their body building routine, so what can you do to get over that wall?


Firstly, it’s important for your mental wellbeing that you remember it’s not going to happen overnight. Changing your body takes months of disciplined exercise and dieting, and if you don’t remain patient you’ll end up getting frustrated with yourself. With this in mind, develop a structured workout plan and chart your progress. Then you’ll be able to see the changes that you have made, instead of focusing on the ones you haven’t. Having a structured goal and a plan to reach it will give you something to aim for overall, but you should set little goals along the way to keep your spirits up, like reaching a number of desired repetitions for a specific exercise or aiming to lift heavier weights.


You know anything is more fun when someone else is there keep you company or even to have a friendly competition with (most of the time) so why not apply this to your workout. Whether you want a trainer to help keep you motivated or a friend to exercise with you, having another person around will help to make every exercise regimen feel less of a chore. You can even make a bet on who will shed the most weight or gain the most muscles first. This will make your time in the gym a little more exciting and fun, which will minimise, exercise burnout, and will motivate you, if nothing else, not to lose to your friend!


Also, find an old picture of yourself where you didn’t look your thinnest, and keep it in your locker at the gym, in your wallet or on your bedroom mirror to remind you of what you looked like before and to make a promise to yourself never to return to that unhealthy state again. Keeping it in the mirror can help you compare the changes and make you feel good about hoe far you’ve come. When you start to get bored with the gym, try other activities such as running in the park or swimming as a change of scenery and exercise venue will help to keep things interesting. Finally, reward yourself every few weeks or months. Whether that’s a massage, a nice fancy healthy dinner or even shopping for new clothes fit for your new physique, you’ve earned it!
