Surviving University: Top Tips For Asthma And Allergies

Going to university is one of the most amazing experiences of your life. Years packed with fun and excitement should be something you can’t wait to get started, but if you suffer badly from asthma or allergies, the prospect might seem a little daunting. But it needn’t be something that you need to worry about. There are a few simple ways that you can ensure your university experience is completely positive and doesn’t get ruined by any health concerns.

Asthma and allergies affect millions of people across the UK, and many of them are university students. But moving away to university is not an excuse to leave behind the responsibility to your general health and wellness. Here are a few good ideas for living with asthma and allergies while at university.


If you have asthma make sure that you book an appointment to see your doctor before you leave home for university. Refill your asthma medication and have you doctor find you an allergist near to where you’ll be living. Write up an asthma plan and give a copy to your flatmates and other important people.

Smoke is one of the most common triggers so try to ensure that you live with non-smokers. Also try to avoid any social situations where you’ll be exposed to a lot of smoke. It will only make your condition worse.


Try to keep clutter to a minimum. If you’ve never left home before then keeping the place tidy might be something that requires quite a lot of self-motivation. Try to limit the amount of upholstered furniture or rugs, as they contain loads of allergens. Also be sure to keep your room clean and free from mould and dust.

Be sure to regularly check the pollen count if this affects your allergies too. Arrange with your doctor to receive plenty of allergy medication too.
