Pain Relief Can Help You Live an Active Life with Arthritis

A diagnosis of arthritis is life-changing. For some the pain and discomfort will be a minor annoyance in their life and will not stop them from doing all the things they enjoy.

But there are many sufferers who are in constant pain, whose joints stiffen up with debilitating regularity and whose everyday life is changed beyond recognition with the onset of the condition.

Those who suffer the most pain are people who live with more than one form of arthritis.

Osteoarthritis is the most common form and is caused by wear and tear on the joints. This form is mostly found in older people. Rheumatoid arthritis is slightly less common, but can be more painful than arthritis. This form occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue around the joints.

The type of arthritis you have, and there over a hundred forms, will determine the kind of treatment you are prescribed.

People whose arthritis results in a little pain from aching joints may be able to deal with their condition with over-the-counter painkillers. It is likely they will only need to take this medication when the pain becomes a little harder to bear.

For those with severe arthritis, cortisone injections may be given directly into the affected joints. This is a good way of relieving the pain.

Finding the right pain relief for your condition will make the difference between living a full and active life and losing your independence due to your arthritis. There is no real cure for arthritis, but you can deal with the symptoms with the correct treatment.

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