Alternative Therapies Can Help You Live With Arthritis Pain

Medication is an important part of the treatment of arthritis, but it need not be the only type of pain relief.

There are more than 100 different types of arthritis ranging from rheumatoid arthritis to osteoarthritis, from psoriatic arthritis to gout. Each has a different causes and slightly different symptoms, but all cause inflammation and pain in the joints.

If you suffer from arthritis, you are likely to experience joint pain, stiffness and sleepless nights.

There are different therapies you can try in a bid to ease your pain. You may find some work while others have no effect, but finding an alternative therapy that helps and taking your medication as prescribed can have a positive impact on your condition.

The treatments include homeopathy, warm water therapy, heat and steam therapy, exercises, massage, meditation and hypnosis and magnet therapy.

Water therapy is fast becoming a popular type of pain relief, but is probably better known as water aerobics and is being performed in public pools up and down the country.

Because you are submerged in water, there is very little pressure on your joints while you exercise. For most patients, moving the joint or joints affected is recommended.

For temporary relief of arthritis pain, applying heat to an affected joint is an option. It will only ease pain for a short period, but can be good for mild pain.

Massage is a common treatment for many types of conditions. Massage increases the blood circulation and eases aches and pains felt by arthritis sufferers. It is important to tell the masseuse that you suffer from arthritis before undergoing this type treatment.

There are many medications that can be bought without prescription and can successfully ease the pain and help you live an active life with less pain.

It is important to discuss any additional medication or treatment with your doctor.

alternative therapiesarthritis painjoints and bones