Could The Pain In Your Eyes Be Down To Arthritis?

You may or may not be aware that every joint in the body can be affected by arthritis. But did you know even your eyes could be at risk?

Arthritis of the eye, known as uvetis, can be caused by many factors but a great number of cases are reportedly due to a poor diet. Studies have also shown a link between smoking and the condition.

Catching the condition early is important and regular eye examinations could help to pick up the earliest symptoms. It is particularly important to get your eyes checked if you experience regular headaches.

One of the most common symptoms of eye arthritis is dry eyes and eye drops can be used to counter this. It is important that you check with your doctor that anything you use complements the medication you are prescribed.

Wearing contact lenses if you suffer from eye arthritis is a no no as contact lenses are known to cause the eye to dry out to a certain degree.

When you go out in the sun, it is important to wear the correct type of sunglasses. Wearing sunglasses just because they look good isn’t the answer. You must make sure you buy a decent pair of sunglasses that protect your eyes from all the dangers of the sun including UV rays.

Your doctor may prescribe you oral anti-inflammatory medication to relieve the pain if it gets too much.

In extreme and advanced cases of eye arthritis, you may consider surgery. There are positives and negatives to this treatment and your doctor will explain the risks associated with the operation. Surgery may not cure the condition, but can help you deal with the pain.

Arthritiseyesjoints and bones