Why There is No Such Thing as a Miracle Cure for Arthritis

There have been many claims of a miracle cure for arthritis but the fact is that there is no such thing. Arthritis is a chronic condition that can only be managed through medication, pain relief and lifestyle changes that reduce its symptoms.

The reason people want to believe in a miracle cure or something that provides instant relief from arthritis is that the condition is a painful and debilitating one.

While there are more than 100 different types of arthritis, all of them affect the joints. The condition affects people of all ages – in the UK there are more than 10 million people with a form of arthritis, of whom 12,000 are children under 16 years of age and another 27,000 are under the age of 25.

Some types of arthritis are linked to age – for example, osteoarthritis is known as the “wear-and-tear” arthritis, caused by thinning and wearing of the cartilage around the joints and usually affecting older people. However, anyone who has had a serious joint injury or fracture is at risk of developing osteoarthritis, no matter how old they are. The joints most likely to be affected are the knees, hands, spine and hips. Symptoms are inflammation in the joints and painful bony growths in the joint. Sufferers endure pain while their mobility and flexibility can become affected.

The second most common form of arthritis is rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disorder where the tissue around the joints is attacked by the body’s own immune system. This causes inflammation in the joints, usually attacking in an asymmetrical manner – ie both knees or both ankles would be affected. Rheumatoid arthritis also affects other parts of the body, often the lungs and heart. Women are more at risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis than men and the condition is usually seen in those aged 25 and over.

Sadly, the truth is that right now no one diagnosed with any type of arthritis can be told that modern medicine has a cure for the condition. Nor is there a miracle waiting in alternative therapies, although some foods, spices and supplements that are known to have positive effects on inflammation and provide natural pain relief.

Until a cure is found, arthritis sufferers will have to find their own correct way of managing their condition, using a combination of medication and natural remedies.

Arthritisjoints and bonesmiracle cure