Why A Glass Of Wine A Day Could Keep Your Pain Away!

Why A Glass Of Wine A Day Could Keep Your Pain Away!

If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis then you’ll know how to treat the condition. Balancing the right amount of lifestyle changes and the medication prescribed to you by your doctor is the most effective way of managing symptoms and making sure any pain that you do experience will be minimal. By lifestyle changes I’m talking about things like dieting and exercising. Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory condition and as such picking your food carefully can greatly help you. There are certain foods which will exacerbate inflammatory conditions and others which will help ease them, striking the balance here can massively improve your quality of life. As for exercise, think of your joints as machine parts. If you don’t move them they’ll seize up. Doctors often recommend some limited and gentle exercise to maintain the mobility in your joints and help prevent any loss of your mobility in the future.

Researchers in the UK have just made a startling discovery. This is fantastic news for patients with rheumatoid arthritis everywhere and as the condition is so widespread (1.3 million sufferers in the USA alone) this could be a massive factor in improving the lifestyles of an awful lot of people.

In a study which involved 1877 people it was discovered that drinking alcohol may help to alleviate some of the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, specifically the chronic pain. They’re not recommending drinking to excess and suggest around ten units of alcohol a week (around four glasses of wine). This isn’t a huge amount but the study showed that the group that drank regular amounts of alcohol suffered much less that those who didn’t.

With conditions like rheumatoid arthritis it’s all about improving the life and wellbeing of sufferers, trying to ensure their condition effects their lives as little as is possible. This could be a big step towards making a lot of lives better. Who doesn’t enjoy a drink at the end of the day after all?

AlcoholInformationRheumatoid Arthritis