Creating Emotional Balance Through Qi Gong

Creating Emotional Balance Through Qi Gong

Emotional health is coming to be valued at the same level as physical health in our society, which has learned the hard way what problems stress and depression can bring. A full state of emotional health relates closely to what one would term ‘physical wellbeing’; for either of these to exist the individual must experience a sense of internal balance. Perhaps ‘mental health’ should cease to be used as a category for those with a problem, and become the very definition of health for all of us. While Western medicine has not developed with these things in mind, there is no reason why we should miss out on the benefits that other cultures and ancient traditions focus on. Qi Gong makes one of the best complementary solutions to address your holistic wellness, and bring your emotional health into balance.

Qi Gong was developed thousands of years ago and forms a set of techniques based on the theoretical background of Yin and Yang and the five elements. From the outset, Chinese medicine has relied on a conception of holism; seeing the relations between the individual and nature as essential to health. The practice of Qi Gong incorporates slow graceful movements and special breath-work in a kind of moving meditation that pays dividends to emotional wellness.

The breath and movements of Qi Gong are aimed at cultivating and manipulating the flow of Qi, or life-force energy, around the body. Practitioners may also use meditation and targeted visualisations to create a balanced flow of energy, enabling them to have the experience of full contentment. You may have noticed how rare it is to experience contentment in our everyday lives. Even when our lives are full of good things, we still bow down to external pressures and choose to allow stress and competition to rule us. For many people, Qi Gong enables them to experience stillness and an appreciation for all they have in life.

The healing aspect of Qi Gong demonstrates the intimate connection between emotions and physiology so typical of Chinese medicine. Particular emotions relate to particular bodily organs; for example, anger derives from the liver, and love from the heart. Qi Gong, whether used as a personal practice, or employed by an energy healer, is able to target the areas of weakness in your emotional life and hopefully resolve them. Emotional imbalance is seen as a sign of an energetic deficiency which will certainly develop into physical disease if not addressed early enough. Qi Gong provides an ideal holistic toolkit with which to restore your own sense of wellbeing, and look after your future wellness.

Emotional BalanceMental Healthqi gong