How Peanuts Could Save Your Heart

Heart disease remains one of the most dangerous chronic conditions in the world. It’s a disease which generally doesn’t just occur on its own and is one of the many conditions which obesity exacerbates. Heart disease makes the likelihood of cardiac arrest far more likely and can lead to all sorts of other dangerous complications too, damaging the heart and threatening your life in the process.

In the past, it was thought that a patient’s level of cholesterol or the saturated fat in their system were the best predictors of heart disease. While these two factors do give some warning of heart disease magnesium has recently been shown to be the best warning sign. Having a lower level of magnesium in your system can make your far more likely to contract heart disease and having higher levels of the mineral can lessen your chances.
Low levels of magnesium in the body had already been linked to higher levels of blood pressure, arterial plaque build-up, calcification of soft tissues, cholesterol levels and a general hardening of the arteries. These are all cardiovascular risk factors which could help bring on heart disease or coronary arrest. In a recent study all of these factors were linked and it was shown that having a low level of magnesium was very dangerous to your hearts health.

If you’re worried about your level of magnesium then there are various foods to can eat to make sure it gets into your diet and never dips too low. Legumes (peanuts) and nuts are packed full of magnesium, try and avoid processed versions of these foods and stick to more natural alternatives. Peanuts from the shell are a great source of magnesium and providing you eat a handful of these a day you’ll help to keep your magnesium levels out of the dangerous zones!


coronary arrestheart diseaseMagnesium