Your Supplements Could Be Causing Your Kidney Stones!

Your Supplements Could Be Causing Your Kidney Stones!

How many men have had the unfortunate honour of suffering from kidney stones in the past? If you have you’ll know the agony which these tiny things can cause, especially when it comes to passing them. The urethra simply wasn’t built to pass solid waste and as such the pain is excruciating. I’m positive anyone who has suffered like this in the past wouldn’t want to repeat the process and as such, a new study might be imperative to making sure you never do!

According to a long study in Sweden, men who take 1000 mg vitamin C tablets may be up to twice as likely to contract kidney stones as men who take simple multivitamin tablets. Though the study wasn’t in depth enough to show the specific correlation between vitamin C and kidney stones, there are strong inclinations shown. Essentially scientists are unwilling to say whether it is vitamin C itself that causes the stones or it’s the ascorbic acid which makes up the Vitamin C tablets which does it. As the multivitamin tablets showed no increased likelihood all the scientists responsible are willing to say is that high dose vitamin C tablets are best to avoid, especially if you’ve suffered from kidney stones in the past.

If you’re worried about your vitamin C intake then eat and drink more fresh citrus fruit. Orange juice, oranges themselves, lemons, limes and whatever else you can manage will help keep your vitamin C levels nice and high without you needing to take the tablets and endanger your health and wellbeing. If you’re not satisfied with the natural solution then take the multivitamin tablet instead! Just avoid the high dose tablets where you can and remember to talk to your Doctor or healthcare worker with any concerns about your vitamin C levels.

kidney stonesSupplementsvitamin c