Fish Oil And B Vitamins Could Reduce Risk Of Heart Disease

Fish Oil And B Vitamins Could Reduce Risk Of Heart Disease

Heart disease is the biggest killer in the UK. As such we should be doing as much as possible to prevent the disease in any way that we can. Fortunately, of course, medical science is advancing all the time and we are finding new ways to battle the condition. In fact, a new study has found that a mixture of B vitamins, fish oils and plant sterols shows a lot of promise in improving heart health.

The pilot study, which was published in the medical journal Nutrition Journal, looked at the effects of a combination of plant sterols, B vitamins and fish oil on the levels of four independent risk factors for cardiovascular heart disease (CVD).

The research team comprised researchers from Slovakia and the UK. They found that the emulsified combination of B vitamins, fish oil and plant sterols improved the lipid profile of children and adolescents with high cholesterol levels. This study was the first ever to test this combination of natural compounds for management of CVD.

The results of the study are very encouraging but the team confirmed that further clinical trials with a placebo group will be needed to ensure they can be replicated. If it is successful it could lead to this combination of nutrients being recommended by doctors to reduce the risk of CVD.

This study recruited 25 participants who were given the mixture of vitamins and minerals once a day over the course of 16 weeks. The research showed that all four of the independent risk factors were reduced by taking the supplement. A daily intake appears to be the best way, although further research would confirm whether there are better ways to take the nutrients.

b vitaminsheart healthminerals