How Can Diet And Exercise Give You Freedom From Prediabetes?

A prediabetes diagnosis means that you have to start looking seriously at your wellness, and how you live your life. Anyone who is dependent on insulin will urge you to make changes and secure your wellbeing against their stage of diabetes, so what exactly do these changes look like?

First and foremost, contact your local hospital to book yourself into the class for people who are newly diagnosed with diabetes. Not only will this allow you to meet others in your situation, which makes the road less lonely, but what you learn in that class could end up saving your life. Developing diabetes can mean you develop a whole host of other diseases and ailments, including blindness, loss of limbs, kidney failure, and cardiovascular problems, so taking action now can give you a good chance of never having to face these outcomes.

When it comes to diet, the first thing you have to learn is to control your blood sugar level. Your pancreas makes the natural insulin that your body uses, but when you wolf down a bar of chocolate, this causes your blood sugar to spike and put stress on your pancreas. The more you take care of it, the longer it will take care of you, and you may have to avoid certain foods to achieve this.

Though apples and oranges are natural, apple and orange juices are very sugary and low in fibre, so you should eat them in their original form where possible. You should also avoid sugar in any form, and instead opt for artificial sugar substitutes, or pure, unpasteurized or even organic honey. However, there are too many variations of food and drinks to cover, but the internet is a great resource for your own research. Eliminate foods that are obviously risky for prediabetics, and take a list of the foods you think you can’t do without to a nutritionist or your family doctor.

Finally, exercise is vital to managing your prediabetes. You should be aiming for 30 minutes to an hour of cardio-vascular exercise at least three times a week, which can be as taking a walk in the park. You can also feel the benefits of weight lifting or high impact sports, but you don’t have to start out any higher than in your own comfort zone. Just start somewhere, stick with it, and build on your success. You’ll be looking and feeling better before you know it.
